brand & fine art photography

Brand and Fine Art Portraits, West Kootenays, BC, Nelson BC

welcome! I'm Erica

There is something about the gentle embrace of soft light that I find so enchanting. It has this magical ability to transform even the simplest scenes into something magnificent.  I'm always in awe of that perfect light that brings out the beauty in everything it touches.

Some things that fill my heart

  • Quiet mornings with an earl grey—lost in thought, contemplating the world
  • Engaging in conversation that broadens my perspective
  • Watching my 2.5-year-old daughter explore her imagination and the world around her
  • Reading a GOOD book
  • Taking photos of flowers (and humans of course)
  • Spending time in my garden - growing veggies and a variety of flowers
  • Did I mention I love flowers?

I have always been deeply affected by the unrealistic beauty standards and societal pressures placed on girls and women. These expectations often strip us of the ability to feel comfortable in our skin.

About a decade ago, I began photographing my friends and peers to push back against these harmful norms. It was amazing to see women step out of their comfort zones and discover aspects of themselves they hadn't seen before. I love how a photograph can provide a fresh perspective on self-perception.

Thus began my journey into offering fine art portraits and brand photos for women who seek to see beyond the looking glass and experience themselves as the exalted beings they truly are.

If this sounds like something you'd like to experience—going beyond the ordinary and exploring the depths of your wholeness—I would love to collaborate with you!